February 15, 2008

Tour de Palm Springs, California - February 2008

The Tour de Palm Springs course ranged from 5 miles to 100 miles. We signed up and rode 10 miles.

The day was sunny and warm - 78 degrees. Now that is how I like a February day!

Pallas just out of the van and ready to go.

The start and finish were in downtown Palm Springs. The ride took us up into the residential neighborhoods in the hills at the base of the mountains.

It was a fun ride with an estimated 8000 people attending the event.

John at the finish.

Pallas at the finish and of course the t-shirt and medal rewards are fun.

John and Pallas in the vendor area after the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pallas,

    I had to laugh about our "kinship" in frustration with the post office. I just can't believe that the whim of individuals keeps us from doing what we've been able to do before. I finally resorted to buying plastic mailing envelopes but it's just not the same.

    Loved your blog, by the way. Very nice. And two of my great-aunts lived in Hemet, so I've been there! Keep on biking! Barb (smallwonder56)


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