December 4, 2008

A Game of Tag

I was tagged by Cindy at Mixed Grill Favorites. I enjoy following Cindy's blog, and it turns out we live only 25 miles apart, so maybe we will meet someday soon.

The Tag rules are a simple few so lets get started:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
4. Tag two of your other online art friends

Six quirky things about me:

1. When I was a little girl, I thought I could grow up to be an Indian or Annie Oakley.
2. I have four brothers and three sisters all younger than me.
3. I love black licorice and eat way too much of it.
4. I buy photographs of people I don't know when I am shopping in antique stores.
5. I have collected enough vintage fabric, lace, buttons and photographs to last a lifetime.
6. My husband, John, and I share our home with two cats - Licorice and Tiger Lily (Lily).

Tag You're It - I choose two talented ladies, Skye and Stacy.


  1. Ahhhh. Thank you Pallas...I did play the game, also choosing two creative ladies...hugs, Skye

  2. A year ago I found out that another quilt guild member lives five houses away from me! We have become good friends since realizing this, and actually have a similar approach to our quilting. Isn't it wonderful to discover that?

  3. Thanks for playing! I enjoyed reading a little bit about you. I hope we do get to meet someday. I'll be moving to the Fort Irwin area come spring.


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