September 8, 2009

Mayor's Labor Day Bike Ride - Louisville, KY

John and I went with two other couples to ride in the Louisville Mayor's Hike & Bike Ride on Labor Day. It was a 14.9 mile course that was a fun ride. The police were directing traffic at every intersection, and most of the street was closed to traffic which made it feel very safe to ride. There wasn't an entry fee, and we all got a t-shirt as well. I am posting a few pictures I took, but of course I forgot to have anyone take one of me.  The first photo is everyone starting to line up at the Start with part of the skyline in the background.  The next photo shows John in the white shirt with the two other couples.  Deanie in the green has her preventive bandages on her knees.  Some came in costume - like the girl in the wedding? outfit.   Of course there were news crews to document the day.  And finally, here is a link to more photos the city put on Flickr.

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