July 5, 2010

Giveaway Drawing - Three Year Blog Anniversary

POST UPDATE 7/7/10:  I have a family emergency and need to put this giveaway on hold, but I will draw a name when I return.

The three year anniversary of my blog is fast approaching, and I thought I'd like to have a giveaway to honor the occasion, and thank you for visiting my blog.

I am giving away this small quiltie (4" x 6") that depicts an Art Nouveau image of a woman that is printed on cotton. It is collaged with vintage bits of hankie, trim and a button.

Also, I'm giving away this assortment of antique and vintage bits of lace.

 To be eligible for the drawing,  leave a comment on this post, if you are already a follower or become a follower of my blog I will enter your name twice.  Be sure to include an e-mail for me to contact you so that I can get your snail mail address where to send your package.  You have until July 14th to enter.  I will draw a name on the morning of the 15th, contact you by e-mail, and then post the winner.


  1. I just love this site and I come back often Thanks alot Sherry Collier

  2. Hi I'm Suzy from the clothpaperstudio group. Just going to have a look round.

    Suzy Redfern

  3. Thank you for offering this lovely piece as your anniversary give-away. I tried to sign up as a follower, but I get an error--I'll try again later. So for now, I'm one entry. twilagrace@gmail.com

  4. Love your work! I just became a follower. Cherie

  5. Hi Pallas, think google is having a blurp today. Not sure I'm a bona fide follower but I sure check in a lot, love your antique photos.


  6. Thank you for the chance to win these lovelies! I saw your post on Button Floozies and came flitting over! Please enter me twice - I'm your lucky 25th follower as well! :-)


  7. Just found your blog. Happy Anniversary! I am a new follower of your blog - looking forward to reading your upcoming entries.

  8. love you site .'m a new follower .Happy Anniversary.

  9. Congratulations to you on reaching this amazing milestone in blogging!

    I just LOVE all things "old" especially lace. I would be so happy if I won your giveaway:-)

    I have also just become a follower and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work!

    Have a lovely day,

  10. Found your blog through the button floozies.


  11. I'm a new follower via Google reader. Beautiful!

  12. Pallas ... what deliciously tempting laces! I am already a follower and, if I could, I'd follow twice!
    xo Karen

  13. I have enjoyed reading your post, first came upon you reading about abigail paper dolls and a bit on button floozies when I found your giveaway! I am a new follower as well. Love this sweet little quiltie and the lovely bits of lace!
    Congrats on your anniversary!

  14. I'd love to be entered in your drawing! I'm also now a follower through Google Reader.

  15. Would love to win the giveaway, following you.

  16. Thank you for the chance to pop over and meet you, look at your lovely blog and put my name in the hat for a chance of winning your beautiful giveaway. Happy 3rd blog birthday!

    Best wishes,


  17. Congratulations on your blog anniversary.
    I just read your edit, hope everything is okay...
    Warmly, Jessica

  18. What a beautiful giveaway! I love the quiltie and the lace-ooo la la!

  19. What a beautiful array of lace, I have wanted pieces of lace like this for a long time!!! Please enter my name in your draw!!!
    Margaret B

  20. Happy blogoversary -- I hope everything is okay. I'll keep you in my thoughts! *HUG*

  21. I hope everything is ok and is it to late to entre.

  22. Congratulations on your 3 year blogversary!!! I can't believe I missed a chance to win this beautiful lace... Oh well, maybe next time.


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