July 15, 2011

Blogoversary Giveaway

Today is my four year blogoversary, and I have been Blog-delinquent lately.  Even though this will be after the fact,  I want to offer a little giveaway.  To enter the drawing, just leave a comment on this post.  If you are already a follower or become a follower, your name will be entered twice.   I'll draw the winning name next Friday evening, July 22.  Thank you to all you who have shown patience with my sporadic postings.

The 1920s photo of young women who are joking around on an old swing set was taken somewhere in Carroll, Iowa, and it is the subject of this mini quiltie. Perhaps they are meeting for a school reunion. They look quite happy don't they? The picture is printed on white cotton, and then it is collaged with bits and pieces of vintage fabrics, trims and buttons.

The finished size is 4" x 6". A piece of trim is added at the top for easy hanging


  1. this is really nice!
    stopping over from button floozies :)

  2. Hi,
    I have clicked the follow button too. Like to pop over to see my giveaway? It seems to be the month for giveaways.

  3. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! Your giveaway is lovely and I would love a chance to win it. Please put my name in the hat.

    Many thanks,


  4. congratulations on your blogversary ....popped over from button floozies ....would love to be included in the draw
    thank you .....x

  5. Totally understand sporadic posting. Seems to be my style too. :)

  6. Hi Pallas! Happy Blogversary! I'd love to win one of your pieces! I'm off to see if I'm a follwer.


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