November 19, 2011

Giant Cross - Groom Texas

We have seen this giant cross from a distance along I40 in Texas, but had never stopped to see it.  This year as we approached the site, we decided to go see what it was all about.  Quite the place to see.  If you have the chance to get off I40 to take a look you'll be impressed - the cross is 190 feet tall!

That is the Last Supper in the foreground, and lifesize Stations of the Cross around the base of the cross.

                                               Station - Veronica wiping the face of Jesus

               The Last Supper and the Crucifixion in the background with the angel at the tomb at the left.

1 comment:

  1. Hello~I'm b-a-c-k to makin' my visits (finally)! I just wanted to take a minute at this season of renewed hope and gratitude to personally thank you for your visits and kind words, especially with the loss of my kitty Angel. I wish I could convey to you how much your continued friendship means to me. You're so generous to share a big part of your hearts passion through your charming posts. I've no doubt we've got a lot more fun in stored for us on this blogging journey.

    I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving surrounded with family and friends in a celebrations of all life's blessings.

    Sweet Wishes,


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