May 4, 2012

Recycled Rita's Booth in Country Roads Antiques

After our trip to Disneyland, we spent an afternoon in Old Town Orange.  I like to visit fellow blogger's antique booths when I get an opportunity.  Recycled Rita has a space in Country Roads Antique Mall in Old Towne Orange.  I loved your booth Karen, and it was so much fun to spend an afternoon shopping in the antique mall - even the guys had a great time looking around.

Karen's Booth
Pallas in Karen's Booth

 I found a treasure in Karen's booth - a very cute picture of a little boy that was taken in 1903.  Check back to see what I make using this little guy.
Cute little guy I found in the booth


  1. I love antique malls and that looks like a great one. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with the picture.

  2. Hi Pallas!
    We just got home from the booth and I was so tickled to get your little note in my booth!
    I love that baby photo, I am glad you got it!
    I was just coming over to visit and here you did a blogpost about my little space!
    Thank you sooooo much!
    Big hugs from me with a smile on my face! karen....

  3. Hi Pallas! Oh I lvoe her booth! I could live at an antique mall! What an adorable photo of this little guy!!! Can't wait to see what you do with him!

  4. Hello Pallas! Funny I was just on Sue's blog from Country Roads telling her that I seen some of her dealers in Springfield! Then I click on you blog and you are showing pictures of Country Roads! To Funny!

    Thanks for the visit!



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